Yes we offer free shipping for the U.S. with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii.

Yes. You will see the charges for shipping to Alaska or Hawaii when you are checking out. It'll be automatically calculated based on rates from the carriers that ship to those locations.

Unfortunately at this time we do not ship outside the USA.

A delay can sometimes happen due to holiday hours, natural disasters/unusual weather. If there is a greater possibility of a shipping delay, we will notify you before your item ships.

Generally our handling time is same day or next day depending on the time the order is placed and our typical shipping time is 1-3 days once it's been packaged and shipped.

If your shipment becomes damaged or lost in transit, please notify one of our customer service representatives immediately. You can open the damage claim by emailing us at support@mxpowerplay.com Do not discard any boxes or packaging materials that were included with the shipment. In order to fully process a damage claim, all original products and packaging materials must be provided. MX Powerplay is not liable for damage claims that are denied due to customer negligence.

Please log in to your account and go to the order to request a return.  Items can be returned within 30 days after delivery. Items must be in new/unused condition with all of the original packaging. If you purchased the package protection, returns are free. If you did not, customers who make a mistake with their order are responsible for return shipping costs. Discounted return labels will be provided for those and subtracted from the refund. If we have made a mistake, please email with pictures of what you received including the part number and the year, make and model of your machine if applicable. If we determine we made an error we will cover the return shipping.

If the package protection was purchased, there is no return fee. If it was not, then the return fee will be subtracted from the refund. If we determine that the return is needed due to an error that the company makes, then MX PowerPlay will cover the return shipping. Amount of refund will be based on the purchase price of your product.

All of our parts come with a 30-day money back guarantee, but if you would like to purchase an extended warranty, please contact us through our contact form and we will assist you in finding the best warranty for your part.

Yes. When you check out you will be given shipping options that are available for 2 day or Next day shipping. If you would like expedited shipping select the option you would like and it will be added to your total at checkout.