Inspired by Katahdin Mountain
Katahdin Extreme Gear is the outdoor gear you've been waiting for. It is Maine-based, and its products are designed to withstand extreme conditions. So whether you're hiking, hunting, or camping, the company has the gear to keep you going. Katahdin Extreme Gear is committed to providing snowmobilers with high-quality equipment and takes great satisfaction in providing its customers with the finest in comfort, quality, and affordability.
The company introduced its first line of products in 2003 and became an instant hit with snowmobile enthusiasts. The company has expanded its manufacturing capability, offers over 200 products, and keeps launching new lines of snowmobile accessories yearly.
Committed to Quality and Safety
The enterprise got its start in the backwoods of northern Maine. Its dedicated staff works hard to create affordable clothing and equipment with innovative styles, solid construction, and top-notch features. The company's mission is to design and manufacture snowmobile clothing and equipment that is as relaxed and fun as possible without sacrificing safety or durability.
Explore Active Wear, Luggage, and Snowmobile Accessories
Find quality apparel, luggage, bags, and functional gear for your snowmobile with Katahdin Extreme Gear. The apparel section comprises jackets, gloves, bibs, and face wear with quality insulation and the capability to sustain frigid environments. In addition, the adjustable hood and water-resistant zippers found on many Katahdin jackets make them a versatile choice for keeping warm in inclement weather. When it comes to snowmobile jackets for trail riding, it produces some of the most outstanding options available, offering superior warmth and comfort for long excursions in the elements.
You find great joy in many outdoor activities—from motorized to a more sedate pace—in the big outdoors. When you buy from Katahdin Extreme Gear, you're investing in a high-quality, well-thought-out item that will let you forget about everything but the adventure itself. Katahdin Snowmobile Tool Bags and Luggage feature extremely rugged exterior construction and weather-proof zippers to provide the tools and accessories whenever you need them during the long trail ride.
Katahdin Gear – One-Stop Solution for Outdoor Accessories and Apparel
Katahdin Extreme Gear is your online destination for snowmobile safety equipment and unique accessories. Prepare for any outdoor emergency with gear like extreme weather jackets and toolboxes during your snowmobile ride. Even if you must ride in the dead of winter, a vest and balaclava will keep your core warm and your head and neck toasty. Sunglasses will help you see better in the snow, and a new supplementary gear bag will keep your belongings organized on the trails, even on bright days.